
“I started when I was six. it was an uphill battle at first but I finally figured it out. there have been lots of phases — fantasy, vampire romance, a quick stint with molecular biology. but none of that matters now. the real pinnacle, for me, was getting the walking down. when that moment came, it hit me, ‘this is it. I’ve made it.'”


life synopsis: finance major, from Denver, Colorado. on his way back from a bro’s house. probably a junior. or maybe a senior.

relationship status: “It’s complicated.” the girl is super cool, but she’s also his roommate’s sister. awk. no DTR has happened yet, but that could be on the agenda for tonight.

claim to fame: that gorgeously tousled dark hair with the one perfect lock that always hangs down over his forehead. the pictures don’t do it justice, but you better believe it’s there.

ideal vacation spot: British Columbia. much hipster.

soft spot: ducklings.

guilty pleasure: Haribo gummy bears (not the sugar-free kind)




life synopsis: mechanical engineering major from Montana. on his way to a meeting with a professor. junior in school.

breakfast food this morning: Kellogg’s Frosted Flakes with 2% milk, eaten while finishing a reading assignment

relationship status: newly dating

favorite food: homemade mac ‘n’ cheese

gets down to: the Beatles.

guilty pleasure: Taylor Swift’s “Look What You Made Me Do”

interesting fact not many people know: he was Peter Pan in his 4th grade production of “Peter Pan: The Musical”